Stephanie: I’m Stephanie Saretsky and this is Call to Action . ’s podcast about doing marketing better. In this episode . we’re tackling a conundrum that it seems a lot of marketers are facing: getting started on producing cool and delightful video marketing that also achieves tangible business goals. Luckily . we knew just who to talk to.


 Jennifer: I’m Jennifer

Pepper and I’m the Content Production Manager for the Customer Education team. Stephanie: ’s Content Strategist . Dan Levy . spoke with Jen about the importance of data driven video marketing and the different methods of video storytelling that she wrote about in a post for the blog: “Don’t Bother Using Video on Your Landing Pages Unless You’re Doing These Things.


” Dan: Video marketing .

eh Jennifer: Oh . yeah. Dan: What’s the deal with video marketing Jennifer: It’s hot . Dan . it’s hot. Dan: I’ll rephrase that for you. Video is . I feel like . one of these things that we all have the sense we should be using more in our marketing because we know the stats about engagement and that YouTube is the second largest search engine after Google.


 But it’s also kind of expensive

and a bit complicated and time  consuming.  data mobile number So how do marketers know whether it’s worth investing in video Jennifer: Well . it’s definitely a different medium to get right for most brands but experimenting with your audience and your content is the key to getting started. So a lot of people think they want to get in on the video game .

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 but it’s only really worth investing in SNBD Host once you’ve figured out the plan for content creation – so what you’ll create and for who – and have an understanding of how you want your videos to contribute to guiding people along the marketing funnel. So ideally . you can start with creating one to two to three videos at the top of your funnel.


 And then after you’ve distributed

those videos strategically the best you can . you follow up by reviewing the engagement data for this first set. So you don’t want to create a ton of video series of videos only to find out that they’re not really resonating. So you’ve got to start small but you also have to have the tools in place to start measuring engagement .


 which . for marketers . that’s gonna be a video marketing platform. But after a while of creating videos . you kind of want to calculate the overall ROI on the content. And to do this . you’re going to look at whether you’re making more money back than you’re spending on producing the assets in the first place.


 So take the amount of sales attributed back to video conversions and divide it by the amount of money spent to create the video. Dan: That’s a really good answer. But let’s take a step back maybe . for a moment. Jennifer: Sure. Dan: One of the things that you say in the post is that it’s crucial to define what your goal is before even starting the concept for the video.


 You actually wrote about a video marketing campaign by the company Vidyard that converted at percent. So could yo tell us about that campaign and how they approached it from the ground

By rfgzsdf

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