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What is metadata and how to remove it

The concept of metadata refers to data that accompanies a file or document, describes it, and cannot be seen with the nak eye. For example, in the case of a photograph taken with a mobile phone, we will have, on the one hand, the content of the photograph (the 0s and 1s that make up the image), and on the other, the metadata, that is, the GPS coordinates where it was taken, the name of the camera, or whether the image has been it, among others.

Image with metadata

In the case of office documents creat with a text itor, spreadsheet or presentation, for example, the metadata generat by these programs usually consists of, among other things, the name of the author of the document, the internal path where the file was stor, the name of the organization and other similar fields with private or internal company information. Thus, when sending these files to clients and suppliers, if we do not delete this metadata first, we are providing extra information that we do not know how it can be us, if it falls into malicious hands.

If you want to test the information

You may be sharing from your company, follow this process. Choose a text document that you have sav on your work computer.

Right-click on it and choose “Properties”. In the window that opens, click on “Details” to see the metadata that recent works accompanies that document. The result will be similar to that shown in the following image:

recent works

View metadata recommend not using them

If you have done this test, you have probably realiz that you were sharing certain data that you had previously miss. If from now on you prefer to send all your documents clean of metadata, look for the tool that best suits each case from those we show you in the following examples.

Before you begin, keep in mind that although there are many websites on the Internet to remove metadata from files, we recommend snbd host not using them, since you will have to send or upload your documents with sensitive information to a third party (the owner of the page) and you do not know if they will treat them confidentially or if they will be us for other purposes.
Remove metadata from Microsoft Office documents (Word, Excel and PowerPoint)


Delete metadata in LibreOffice office documents

Remove metadata in PDF documents using Adobe Acrobat Professional

Remove metadata from images, videos and PDF documents with ExifTool

Now that you are aware of the information you may be sharing through metadata, there is no excuse for not implementing any of these methods and adb directory deleting them. Protect your information to protect your company.

Remember that you can contact us through INCIBE’s Cybersecurity Helpline (017) , the WhatsApp (900 116 117) and Telegram (@INCIBE017) instant messaging channels, or the contact form for companies , which you will find on our website. Experts in the field will resolve any online conflict relat to the use of technology and connect devices.

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