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It works the other way around too, you could select the points of interest closest to your apartment to create “what to do” pages for each apartment.

This exercise may certainly be more complex

Than others, but it will also create pages of a different type and with different keywords . The problem with repurposing content is that, if done poorly, it can lead to duplicates on your page, but it’s nothing that new generative AI can’t help with.

2.5 Creating taxonomies by data source

It is even more complex and also a system that is not usually done well. If you notice, everything we have discuss in this section is bas on discovering the possibilities of the database you already have. But what if we want to define the list of keywords without zalo database worrying so much about the current database?  creating taxonomies by data loads.


special data


The concept is simple:

We are going to create a list of categories and keywords to be classifi and cause their URLs to exist, but we will do so without having to go through our current database. This list could come from many places. The most common would be the searches that users loan refinancing already do on your website or Google Ads campaigns, but they could come from directories or databases that your company has access to.

The first problem here is

What do I offer on these pages? And this is where these strategies often fail in their own definition. There are very elegant ways to give content to these keywords , such as having a good search engine to find elements relat to the keyword to be position (generating an improvis list) or with good training of generative AIs, but in practice these strategies are either usa data pamper a lot or they end up generating repetitive content that is penaliz by search engines.

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