What does type-in ​​traffic give?
Where to see type-in ​​traffic
When Big Direct Traffic Is Bad

How to get type-in ​​traffic

Today we will talk about such a concept as type in traffic, its source, how it influences promotion and ways of attracting it.

Type-in ​​traffic (direct traffic, from the English type-in ​​- “to type, to type”) is an indicator of direct transitions to a site, obtaine by directly entering the URL into the email data browser’s address bar (without spaces or with a hyphen instead of a space), by copying it into the address bar, transition from previously adde bookmarks, or transition to a page adde to the “Home” page.

“Need to know”
“However, it should be clarifie that on English-language resources we can find a definition stating that type-in ​​traffic is exclusively direct input into the address bar of a web browser of a key request with the addition of gTLDs, ccTLDs through a dot, for example:,,, Other transitions, for example through bookmarks, are not counte.”
Let’s look at this in more detail and in simple terms.


Let’s look at the descriptions of sources in Yandex Metrica help:

direct visits in yandex metrics
Source: Yandex Help
every time you enter an exact address from memory from the keyboard in the address bar and press “Enter”, your visit in the analytics systems will be adde to the “Direct visits” column
Entering URL into browser address bar

from non-obvious paths, the transition to the site from bookmarks in the browser will be considered;

Go to the site from browser bookmarks

transition from browser final fantasy 16 how browsing history also refers to direct traffic;
transition from browsing history
switching to the home tab (when opening the browser and clicking on the home page bar).
What does type-in ​​traffic give?
Type-in ​​traffic improves the behavioral factors that rule Yandex today.

Each such transition signals:

your site has regular loyal visitors who cell p data add the resource to their bookmarks for subsequent visits;

Your site is recommended and spread by word of mouth to family and friends.
And all this together increases trust in the resource and improves behavior.


By rfgzsdf

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