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This may be an almost impossible

UGC stands for “ User Generat Content ” and is content that, when well manag, is highly valu by Google, as it demonstrates real experience and often provides new information.

The first and most complex challenge for

These strategies will be to get your users to want to write on your website. Depending on your business,  task, but there is always a way to encourage them to participate on your website. Communities and organizations have it more or less easy, but e-commerce and consumer brands may have it very difficult or not want to even consider this option (for fear of what an angry customer might write).

Once you get users to want to write

The second big challenge will be to get them to do so in the terms you want for SEO. To do this, you can condition users in various ways, in forms and during their experience or directly reward them for adapting to what you ne from them (for example: your loan database ad will appear earlier in our list for indicating a title with X characteristics).


special data


Launching UGC tactics is always interesting

But one thing you should keep in mind with UGC is that it is never (and never is never) a good idea to let it run wild; assign even partial oversight so that it doesn’t get out of control and you end up losing more than you gain from your content. You should not only as with most visionary companies keep an eye on angry users, but also on your competition, strange opinions and experiences, and above all, other SEOs.

3.7 Content Spinning

Spinning in SEO is a self-writing technique bas on rotating small fragments of text, resulting in different forms and formats.

Professional spinning also includes translations, dictionaries of synonyms and databases to rotate semantics and differentiate content. Well done, it is a usa data work of art. Badly done, it is those robotiz texts that neither users nor Google understand.

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