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There are many different ways and methods

Deceptions to complex and elaborate schemes.

It is important to distinguish between scam and fraud. While in the latter, it is the fraudster who uses various techniques to obtain the data necessary for his purpose (financial fraud), in scam it is the victim himself who carries out the transaction. It should be noted that, in the case of scam, the victim suffers a lower degree of protection.

Of scamming ranging from simple

CEO Fraud
In this type of scam, a criminal or a group of them, using different social engineering techniques, manages to impersonate the CEO of an organization. The modus operandi consists of convincing a person in charge of the accounts or transactions of said organization to make urgent movements to the scammer’s account.

usually affects companies and is usually committe through channels such as WhatsApp, SMS or chats use by the organization, such as Microsoft Teams.

IBAN manipulation scams/Invoice fraud
As with CEO Fraud, this type of scam is most commonly aimed at companies, although individuals can also victims. Scammers use social engineering techniques to. Obtain the details or email address of a regular. Supplier of the company, or a service image resize company. Intercept or manipulate a digital or physical invoice to change the account information and ensure that the next bank transaction is direct to their own accounts.

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It is a type of scam that

are consistent with previous transactions prior to the company that has been supplant.

Charity, lottery or prize scams
Scammers pretend to represent a charity (legitimate or fake) and ask for donations during times of natural disasters or other emergencies such as war.

Scammers use socgineering techniques. To obtain the being first isn’t everything, but it’s a great advantage! details or email address. Of a regular supplier. Service company, intercept or manipulate a digital. Physical invoice to change the account information. Ensure that the next bank btc database as transaction.

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