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Security in times of mobility and wireless networks

Mobility is becoming more and more present in companies. Many businesses and jobs depend on this type of work to be able to carry out their daily activities .

In this mobility scenario, two fundamental elements intervene: one of them is mobile devices , such as smartphones or laptops, which are responsible for processing information; and the other is wireless communications, which allow us to send the data we process and interconnect with the rest of the world.

Therefore, it is essential to address

The security of both elements in order to be able to carry out the activity safely and avoid an incident.

Before continuing, the following video addresses he main considerations for performing mobility safely:

Considerations for developing mobility and wireless connections safely:
Protecting devices. If we want to protect the information that is processed and stored on devices, it is necessary to apply protection welcome to photo retouch editior website systems to prevent anyone from having access to the terminal and, therefore, to the information it contains through carelessness. It is also important to use mechanisms that allow the information to be located or even deleted remotely. In this way, it is prevented from falling into the wrong hands.

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Protect connections When transmitting information

It is essential to prevent any curious person from capturing it, especially when it is vital information for the business, such as confidential information or high strategic value for the company. For this reason, secure channels must be snbd host used, such as virtual private networks ( VPN ), and the use of public networks, whose management is unknown, must be avoided. By protecting these elements, we will minimize the company’s exposure to a security incident.
By protecting these elements we will minimize the company’s exposure to a security incident.

Remember that you can contact us

Through INCIBE’s Your Help in Cybersecurity service : the Help Line 017 , the instant messaging channels of WhatsApp (900 116 117) and Telegram (@INCIBE017), or the contact form for companies , which you will adb directory find on our website. Experts in the field will resolve any online conflict related to the use of technology and connected devices.


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