Similar to Google’s tool, Facebook’s URL Builder helps generate trackable URLs for ad campaigns on the Facebook platform . Here too, you need to specify the address of the landing page and fill in the fields for utm_source , utm_medium and utm_campaign . This allows you to effectively track the performance of your Facebook ad campaigns and see detailed data on Google Analytics.

Google Analytics: Where to Find Data

As we have seen,analyze the traffic of marketing campaigns by sending the right information to Google Analytics. GA4 offers different ways to view and analyze this data , making it possible to monitor traffic sources and campaign performance in detail.

To find UTM data in Google Analytics 4, you can start from the main menu. By selecting “Reports”, “Acquisition” and finally “Traffic Acquisition” you can filter by “Source/Medium Session”. This allows you to see the different sources and media that brought traffic to the site.

To analyze the performance of individual

Campaigns , simply filter the data table starting from the name of the campaign, in “Session Campaign”. This will canonical tag fix allow you to view data filtered for the utm_campaign parameter and, therefore, analyze the specific results of the various marketing initiatives.

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In short, UTM parameters are visible in various points of the Google Analytics tracking tables and choosing where to focus your attention depends Identify mobile number on what aspects you want to monitor and which can help alb directory improve your entire digital marketing strategy.

Where to find UTM parameters on Google Analytics

Tips for good UTM management
Properly managing UTM parameters is essential to ensuring accurate and useful data in Google Analytics. Here are some practical tips:

Organization, organization, organization : Creating a Google Sheet or Excel to collect and organize all the UTM parameters created is very important to maintain order and consistency, especially when the activity is managed by a team and not by a single person.
Pay attention to capitalization : UTM parameters are case sensitive. This means that utm_source=Facebook and utm_source=facebook will be interpreted as two different sources by Google Analytics. The advice is therefore to use only lowercase letters, as well as to avoid spaces and accents.
Less is more : Overdoing tracking and parameters can make data analysis work really complicated. The ideal is to focus on fundamental parameters such as utm_source , utm_medium and utm_campaign which can already provide a lot of valuable information without unnecessarily complicating data collection.
Clean and Minimal : Establishing a clear and consistent nomenclature is crucial. Each marketing channel should have a specific guide on how to fill out UTM parameters, even more so if there are multiple people managing the account and having to deal with interpreting the data.

By rfgzsdf

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