Dan: Right . and the CTA doesn’t necessarily have to be at the end of the video . right It could be anywhere depending . I guess . on the tool that you’re using for video Jennifer: Absolutely. So some video marketing platforms have a feature built in where you can have a pop-out CTA .


 for example. So you don’t always

have to think end-of-video CTA turkey mobile number list because there’s no guarantee that someone’s gonna even get to the end. But you can use something like a pop-out CTA so if you’re going to mention a product . maybe it’s a product demo but they’ve seen half the video and maybe they’re convinced.

phone number Data

 You can have some slide-out on the side that says . “Hey . like already sold Check out the demo .” or I don’t know . something but they can click and go explore. Dan: I love the honesty of “Already sold.” It’s like . “Already sold; want to stop watching this video Just click.


 Just click already.” Jennifer: “You done SNBD Host Good.” Dan: I want to talk a little bit about storytelling. And I know storytelling has become another one of those buzzwords that’s buzzing around marketing circles over the last few years. But when it comes to video . story really is crucial. How can you use story to drive people toward that call to action Jennifer: Yeah.


 Everyone talks about

video stories but the strength of a story is whether it can evoke any emotion. So I’ve found it kind of surprising that it doesn’t even really matter which emotion you pick because they all kind of work. So you can make people feel delighted or you can leave them feeling anxious . but you just want them to feel something as a result of watching your content because this helps prompt the all-important next action.


 Dan: Even if it’s terrible. Jennifer: Oh . yeah. I have an example of that for later . I guess. But you just want them feeling something at the end. Because the classic brand generic video leaves people feeling like . “Okay . I’m done with this.” And then they drop off.


 But if you’ve done a video right . it should have people thinking . “Okay . what else can I watch from these guys ” Like they seem to know what’s up or they really resonate with your message. But it’s good to be aware of what you want your audience to do. So if you want people to like your brand .


 you might want them

laughing . like with a comedic story angle. But if you want them to resonate with your brand . you might want to evoke feelings of empathy and be really . really transparent and honest. If you want them to take action . fear or even a light anxiety can be a good motivator.


 So again . not those positive emotions but you can make them feel kind of like they’re missing out on something. So whether it’s like a new service or a trend . something of value like people hate missing out. So you could also make them feel silly on account of current mistakes. So it doesn’t always have to be a positive emotion.


By rfgzsdf

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