As content marketing continues its momentum across the marketing landscape, SEO is no longer simply a way to fix website and content problems. Now, SEO is the magical ingredient added at the end of the marketing cycle to guarantee an organization’s investment in their content. Using SEO to optimize individual pieces of content has helped a lot of brands boost their findability and engagement and that’s a good thing. The bad thing is, they’re missing out on the opportunities and improved results made possible by adding SEO data and strategy into every phase of the digital marketing lifecycle. So, if you’re ready to take your content marketing and SEO partnership to the next level, read on.

SEO in the situation analysis phase

Since organic marketing is often the first way your audience is exposed to your brand, it makes sense to bring the SEO team in to analyze your current buy telemarketing data market position as you begin the strategic planning process. The search team has access to a variety of insights, including:

Your top ranking keywords
High ranking industry keywords
Changing industry terms and topics
Existing content that matches current trends
Competitor insights – what they’re doing better and where they’re outranking you
Keywords you aren’t using, but should
“Search data can include a lot of keywords and topics from adjacent topics or markets that you’re not currently using in content creation efforts, but should consider weaving into your product marketing conversations, your content creation conversations, and your overall strategic conversations,” recommends Erin O’Brien, President & COO, GinzaMetrics.
SEO keyword performance by marketing channel
Creating a partnership with your SEO team at the beginning of any project insures that you’re making your decisions based on the best, most recent data and further insures the success of your future marketing campaigns and content efforts.

Search data for strategic marketing objectives and

It’s time to start thinking about SEO as a predictive tool, as well as a reactive one. In the strategic planning stage, SEO data can help you understand your audience, monitor changes in audience participation and behavior, and track changes in the industry and your competitors. Your SEO department has its finger on the pulse of your findability and can answer strategic questions, such as:

What channels are most popular with your audience?
What devices are audiences using?
Where are audiences located?
How is audience behavior changing?

For example, video content has been gaining in popularity for B2C and B2B businesses for a variety of purposes, including product overviews, instructional information, industry trends, and company positioning. Your SEO department can provide insight into your audiences, their preferences, and how they’re engaging with videos on your site. Getting insights like this up front will save you time and resources and allow you to target your efforts to those assets that are more likely to engage and delight your website visitors.

Discover the best content for your brand

The excitement of starting a new campaign often triggers a knee-jerk reaction to create, create, create new content. Content creation is expensive, even if it’s performed in house. Here is an ideal place to get your SEO department involved. Before you start creating new content for a campaign or new product, use search data to identify content that already exists, but may need updating to reflect changes in industry terms. Your SEO department will have additional insight into where to share particular types of content or messages based on past channel and audience performance.
At this stage in the process, a common problem is the disconnect that happens when search and social data isn’t shared with all the marketing functions, advertising departments, sales teams, and product development personnel. The data collected by the SEO department should be shared freely across all departments as the genesis for strategic conversations.
“In larger organizations, the marketing department may change their content focus based on good search data. If that data isn’t shared, organizations run the risk of multiple, disconnected messages and audience confusion because the e-mail team won’t know to change subject lines or headers and the advertising department won’t use the same keywords for their ads,” notes Erin.

Where does SEO fit once the plan is put into action?

Once you’ve decided what content to create and where to distribute it, the data from your SEO department plays a crucial role in the actual content creation process. For each individual piece of content you plan to create, you’ll want to refer back to the keywords and topics identified through keyword and content discovery. Keep those topics and keywords in the forefront as conte

Getting the attention of the C-Suite is one step closer to making SEO a priority and promoting the benefits of search data for marketing, advertising, public relations, and product development. The challenge is telling a story the C-Suite wants to hear and getting the level of support you need to make a difference. Before you approach upper management, begin with a grass roots approach within your organization. Showing how search data and SEO recommendations elevate everyone’s efforts will win you the internal support you’ll need to strengthen your position when you finally meet with upper management.
To begin a grassroots campaign for SEO, learn the pain points of each department in your organization and present the department head with the data and recommendations that will help them to be more successful. Now that you’ve got their attention, ask for their support and use the results of your mutual efforts in your presentation to upper management.

Begin with marketing teams – tie SEO to engagement
By now, anyone working in SEO has a good understanding of the content marketing ecosystem. You’ve probably already been busy optimizing content and. Providing keyword research, keyword discovery, and competitor analysis to the folks in the marketing department.
Take a deeper dive to find areas where search and social data can further enhance the customer journey and improve engagement with content. Start by creating keyword and content groups and making recommendations based on the. Reasons marketers are creating content in the first place. Generate reports and recommendations based on content and keywords grouped by:


When you write your reports, use marketing terminology and tie proposed recommendations into projected improvements in engagement and conversions. Generate a natural need for your data by suggesting keywords and topics that aren’t being used, but should be, based on competitor and social media analysis.
Get to know audiences and let the marketing department know when syntax has changed and when the way questions are being asked is evolving. Provide marketers with the terms and phrases they should be including in their content and suggest updating similar content with new keywords. Use search data to help marketing departments decide what new content to create and make sure it meets these standards:
creating relevant content seo solutionMake yourself invaluable by asking to attend strategy meetings and providing current search data to help inform future. Messages and mediums. In other words, answer marketing questions:

What types of content are resonating with audiences?
Where are they engaging with that content?
What questions are audiences asking that lead them to brand content?
Once you’ve proven you can make the marketing.

Show product teams audience pain points with search data

While SEO has obvious benefits for. Marketing efforts and optimizing content, many organizations are missing out on the benefits SEO. Can bring to product panaliti mendakan rahasia development. What the company wants to bring to. Market and less on solving an existing problem. Sometimes, companies are lucky. Enough that both of these things are true and the product or new feature is a success.
As the SEO expert in your organization, you have. Unique insights that can positively affect the success of new product offerings. The challenge is to. Present those insights in a way that the product team can immediately link to their product development efforts.
SEO recommendations to the. Product. Development team should begin with a quick analysis and review of the industry and current customers. Chances are, the. Product team already has this information in some form, but putting it all together in one place and. Comparing your current product position against industry norms and customer questions may give the . Team a new perspective on this information.

Share online search trends that include keyword.

Discovery data showing where there. Are opportunities not. Currently filled by your present. Product and feature mix. Add value to the data by creating keywords grouped by type and organized by the most highly. Searched keywords related to your current kcrj product offerings. Recommend product directions based on the search patterns and search trends over a pre-determined period of time.
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Help determine the most lucrative product niches by. Discovering current product competitors in those areas, as well as the brands that are. Creating content around those topics. Knowing who is already creating messaging in specific topic. Areas may give you insight into other competitors ready to enter that market niche.
Create further synergy by sharing the same data with the marketing team to give them an opportunity to start messaging

By rfgzsdf

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