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How to redirect a domain

Redirection is a procedure that redirects traffic to a domain other than the originating one.

By setting up a redirect, search engine crawlers will know that the path has been changed, but at the same time, the user will not notice anything. In fact, setting up a redirect will avoid any 404 errors that have a negative impact on SEO. What are the advantages?

Seamless user experience. No more annoying 404 errors that interrupt your navigation and cause frustration.
Optimized SEO. Search engines understand that your page has moved and update their index, avoiding penalizing your website for broken links.
Better PageRank . By concentrating the “weight” of SEO, your website can achieve a higher PageRank and therefore better visibility in search results.
In short, redirects offer a double benefit: on the one hand, they improve the user’s browsing experience, on the other, they help optimize the SEO of your website.

You can implement redirects for individual pages or at the domain level.

What types of redirects are there?

Redirection can be basically divided into two categories: permanent and temporary.

Redirect 301
The 301  is permanent and is used when the web page has been moved to a different URL than the original one. It is certainly the most used redirect and with the greatest value also at the SEO level as it transfers the visibility of the site.

Redirect 302
The 302 redirect, on the other hand, is temporary and is used, for example, when the site is undergoing maintenance and you want to return to the old URL at a later time.

How to make a 301 redirect?
To set up a 301  of HTTPS requests directed to a domain   to another domain, you need to create a file to insert into the web hosting via FTP connection. The .htaccess file is a text configuration file that dictates instructions to the Apache web server to perform directory-level operations.

To perform a redirect, simply insert the following string into the file, inserting it before

How to Make a Redirect in HTML

How to  from the Manager Panel
This procedure allows you to manage the redirect between chinese in europe two domains without secure connection (HTTP) through the functionality integrated into the Manager control panel.

All you need to do is access the reference domain and click on the  item in the left menu: from this section you can set up the redirection by filling in the fields quickly and easily. For more details, consult the dedicated Guide .

How to Redirect with Cloudflare

Using Cloudflare’s proxy functionality, you can handle both HTTP and encrypted (HTTPS) requests.

Enabling Cloudflare is useful, for example, when the origin domain does not natively support secure connection (HTTP) while the destination domain has the secure protocol HTTPS enabled by installing an SSL certificate .

To set up a redirect using Cloudflare, you can follow the steps described in the Guide .

How to Redirect from CMS

special data

WordPress . If you manage a WordPress site you can use a plugin to manage all the redirects. Among the most used is Redirection : just enter the starting URL and the arrival URL (i.e. the one where you would like to  users) to set up the redirect.

Joomla . If your web project is built with Joomla, you will bezonas la plej bonan komercan have the REDJ extension to easily manage redirects.

PrestaShop . To set up a  simply access the “Redirect to canonical URL” section in the drop-down menu under “Traffic and SEO”.

When is it a good idea to redirect?

Redirect your old domain to the new one: if you don’t like quick signs  your domain name anymore or it doesn’t reflect your company identity, you can register a new domain name and from the old one to the new one.
Redirect an old URL to a new one: If you want to change the URL of a page or blog post, you can do a simple 301 to the new URL, so that no 404 errors appear.
the main domain:  brand identity, you can  them to the main one.

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