Home » How to Program Telegram Bots: A Beginner’s Guide

How to Program Telegram Bots: A Beginner’s Guide

It includes bots that remind you of tasks, check the weather, create stickers, search for GIFs, find books, song lyrics, practice languages, check Google and YouTube trends, etc. • It allows you to create groups with up to 200,000 members . If the group grows, you can then move to a broadcast channel, which is precisely one of the tools for advertising on Telegram.


These channels do not have a limit on subscribers. Features of advertising on telegram blast Telegram Advertising on Telegram is something that should be part of a good digital marketing strategy .


 Basically because the

channels of this app make it easy to send messages , while the groups allow direct interaction with users, while the bots make the work automatic and much simpler. When it comes to advertising on Telegram, we tell you that it can be done through sponsored messages or channel-based ads for very specific marketing strategies.

telegram blast

It is important to note that not all advertising messages can be sent as recommendations , but it is essential to inform users where the Ad being sent comes from. Telegram channels, which we will discuss we analyze what people are actually later, allow you to send content to an unlimited number of subscribers .

 In this sense

they are the best tool for advertising on Telegram. Through them, it is possible to send your subscribers blog content, news, promotions, surveys , etc. In addition, it is possible to customize the content in such a way that it is more attractive to users. And we tell you that it is also possible to create stories , just like  you would do on Instagram. Telegram Business:

The new update of the app Since last March, companies can take advantage of Telegram Business , an update that allows anyone to move their personal account to a business account and access multiple functions.

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