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How to make money by creating turnkey and custom websites

Website development can provide good income if you are competent in this field. We will tell you how to get a good income without programming how to make and design skills, where to start and what you should pay attention to.

The information we will provide is suitable for beginners and those who are professionally involved in website creation .

Features of creation and operation of modern websites

First, let us draw your attention to what any website consists of and what the development of an Internet service consists of.

Main elements of the site:

  • Template (design). This is what netherlands cell phone number list the how to make user sees, the outer shell of the site, which consists of content (video, images, text).
  • CMS (admin system). This is a program that helps manage the service. This program also helps develop new modules and regulate their functionality.

For those who do not have special programming skills

Special site constructors are suitable , with do landing pages work for b2b? the help of which you can create simple sites. In this way, you can earn 5-7 thousand hryvnia per month.

For those who want to create websites professionally, you need to get your own team that will be competent in this matter. You will need:

  1. A web designer who will create list of real mobile phone numbers a layout for your website.
  2. Front-end developer – based on the layout created by the designer, develops the layout and sets up the forms that are displayed how to make to visitors (authorization form, interaction, etc.).
  3. Backend developer is a fighter of the invisible front.
  4. A content maker fills your website (creates texts, adds images, describes products sold, publishes news, etc.).
  5. The project manager maintains contact with clients and coordinates the entire team of specialists.
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