Marketing is not limited to videos and pictures: as our blog shows, people are willing to read long texts. We have already about the specifics of writing longreads, but working on them is not limited to writing. So today I want to talk about ways to layout them on websites and how to improve the readability of long posts on social networks.

Longreads on the site

It is obvious that a huge text without any structure is difficult to read. When publishing a longread, you need to make a simple and understandable structure of letters. This is important both at the paragraph level and at the level of individual characters.

A special database is a collection of very specific or specialized data created for a particular use. This could include customer databases, industry-specific contact lists, medical records, or specialized research data sets. These databases are special database commonly used in marketing, business intelligence, or other areas where customized information is needed for making important decisions. Because the data is sensitive and specific, using or accessing a special database usually requires strict adherence to legal and privacy rules, such as GDPR or TCPA.

General view of the text

special database

Russian is a difficult language for web formats. Hyphenation is not accepted here, and long words sometimes create huge holes at the end of lines, sometimes fall out of the general array. Reading a couple of paragraphs in this mode is not scary. But in a long text, jumping around the lines causes irritation, the eyes get tired faster, and it is more difficult to concentrate. Word breaks, which are usually done in printed books, not only save paper, but also create a smooth text canvas. Unfortunately, in the digital world, hyphenation is not accepted. As an alternative, you can change the tracking (the distance between all letters) and kerning (the distance between a specific pair of characters). But is it necessary?

You will never adequately transform Russian text on a website into a decent rectangular sheet. It remains to accept this jamb as a given and use other design options to the maximum. Always. In the digital world, so-called Swiss paragraphs are accepted, in which pieces of text are separated from each other by a blank line. In paper books, paragraphs are separated by an indented line to save space, but this technique should not be used on websites: because of them, alignment will look sloppy not only on the right, but also on the left.

Working with symbols in text

We’ve sorted out the general appearance of the right and wrong way to announce company layoffs the text. Now to the details – in which, in addition to the devil, fonts, “corridors”, hanging lines, hanging prepositions and three types of spaces are hidden. Let’s start with fonts . They come with serifs and without. Serifs are considered good for reading, but now sans serif fonts are also used in articles. The font is the mood of your text. The font also has a font size, and it is usually varied around 12-14 pt, so that reading does not cause difficulties.

The choice of font and size may be limited to this: books used to be printed for centuries, but now content is published regularly, and the subtleties of layout fade into the background. But if you are making an important text that will hang on the site for a long time, you can bother.

Longreads on social networks

In VKontakte, you can lay out articles almost like on websites, but sometimes long texts are written in the format of regular posts. And in the social network-with-pictures, there is no choice at all. The possibilities for structuring text in posts kcrj are very limited, but they exist.  Emojis in a long post can serve as markers. Small images allow you to highlight the most important points, show headings, or separate chunks of text from each other.

However, SMM specialists do not live by emoji alone. The usual division into paragraphs is also relevant for social networks, although it works differently: in posts, paragraphs are much shorter than on websites, so it is easier to read. Sometimes, paragraph indents highlight just one word – it turns out to be a kind of subheading. And, since there are no bold / italic fonts in posts, CAPS IS ALIVE! It is suitable for headings or the most important phrases.

Illustrations in the longread

Modern longreads differ from Lev Nikolayevich’s novels – first of all, they are multimedia constructions. I must say from the author’s experience that choosing pictures is difficult. It is easy only when you have something to demonstrate. But illustrations are needed periodically, to structure the text, entertain the reader, and emphasize your thoughts. It seems that you can attract attention with a random picture. Cute and funny pictures, memes and comics are only good when you can pull them into the content. At least by the ears. That’s why Kerry with a laptop at work is fine, but Kerry without a laptop is distracting.

Ideally, pictures should not just serve as structure, but also reveal the content of the article. You can illustrate what you are talking about, show examples, diagrams and graphs. It is very important that there are relevant captions everywhere, and there is no unnecessary information that you do not talk about. This is a common problem when graphs have to be downloaded from the Internet.

When choosing illustrations, you also have to think about technical aspects. You may not be able to see the details of a large picture on a smartphone, and gifs may not load on a slow internet connection. Among the flow of pictures and monosyllabic phrases, the popularity of longreads is a real miracle. The reader intends to spend a lot of time with you, voluntarily. Long texts are well received even on social networks, if they are presented to the audience correctly.

By rfgzsdf

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