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Cyber ​​Attacks: The Most Exploited Vulnerabilities in 2023

An Overview of Cyber ​​Attacks in 2023
Italy continues to be an attractive target for cybercriminals. In 2023, there was a 65% increase in cyber attacks compared to the previous year, with a total of 310 malicious activities. Of these, over half had consequences of “critical” or “high” severity. On a global scale, the Italian share rose from 7.6% in 2022 to 11%.

According to the latest Clusit report, the government/military sector has been the most affected by hacker attacks in Italy in the last 12 months. A not very comforting record that highlights the vulnerability of critical infrastructures and the need to strengthen defenses in this area. Following are the manufacturing, transportation/logistics, finance and insurance sectors.

The Achilles Heel of Cloud Computing

Massive adoption of cloud computing has transformed the way data is accessed and stored, teams collaborate, and applications are developed and delivered. In short, the cloud has revolutionized the way businesses operate, compete, and manage risk.

However, the use of the cloud in business contexts has bitcoin data created fertile ground for cyber attacks. Often, in fact, companies underestimate the importance of a correct configuration, leaving the doors wide open to hackers. Too permissive access or the use of insecure default settings have led to as many as 80% of data breaches , according to recent estimates.

The Shadow of Ransomware

Ransomware is a type of malware that blocks access to systems by demanding the payment of a ransom, usually in cryptocurrency, in exchange for the decryption key. It is often spread through phishing emails or compromised websites.

In 2023, we have seen an escalation of ransomware attacks, with mission-critical sectors such as healthcare and finance being hit with particular density. The ability to paralyze entire systems and extort large sums of money has made ransomware a favorite weapon for hackers.

One in three attacks is DDoS

Malware yields the scepter to DDoS as the most widespread type of cyberattack in Italy in 2023. According to Clusit, 36% of the attacks recorded in our country have exploited this technique; this is a value that exceeds the global average by a good 28 percentage points.

Clusit hypothesizes that this surge is due to the increase in hacktivism campaigns , in which DDoS becomes the weapon of choice to attack the reputation and operations of entities and organizations.

Italy, therefore, stands out for the prevalence of DDoS, a sign of growing attention from cybercriminals towards our country. An alarm bell that requires constant commitment to strengthening defenses and raising awareness among companies on the topic of cybersecurity.

A Warning for the Future: Cyber ​​Security Cannot Be Ignored
The 2023 data raises a clear alarm: cybersecurity cannot be considered optional. Faced with an ever-evolving threat landscape, it is essential to adopt adequate protection measures to safeguard sensitive data and prevent unforeseen events. Here are some tips to strengthen your cybersecurity:

Apply security patches regularly:

special data

It is essential to promptly install security updates to fix known vulnerabilities.
Adopt a cybersecurity culture within the company: raise country email list employee. Awareness of risks and provide them with the skills needed to identify and address potential threats.
Implement appropriate security solutions: Use firewalls, antivirus, and intrusion detection systems to protect your network and data.

Perform regular backups:

Have up-to-date backups of your data to ensure recovery in the event of a cyber attack.
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