In the context of developing a b2b marketing strategy, the company blog is a valuable tool; it represents both a digital showcase of in-depth and authoritative information, and a means to reach prospects and potential buyers.

Very often, in b2b, this option is given up, thinking that one does not have the resources to develop the right content. In this article, we reveal how to overcome this fear and start doing business blogging right away, in 6 steps.

The corporate blog as a valuable source to fuel the business

That’s right, interactions now happen online between companies and potential buyers. The time of calls, emails and pushy salespeople is over ; on the one hand, prospects have more and more management autonomy and tools to search for solutions to their challenges. On the other hand, companies that want to remain competitive must be able to be present virtually as well as physically . This presupposes the creation of a usable website, with a pleasant design, with space for interesting content . We can start from here to dissect the 6 key steps to create a company blog from scratch.

Company Blogging in 6 Steps: Where to Start?

Seeing results in terms of conversions and requests for consulting can take time; published articles must rank, and it can take months to reach the top results of search engines.

However, SEO mechanisms should not be perceived as barriers but, on the contrary, as opportunities to create a complete digital malaysia number for whatsapp showcase , rich in content and in continuous development: the more pages the site has, therefore the articles published, the greater the opportunities to position oneself for keywords.

New Call to Action

1) Let’s start right here: the strategy

What is the purpose of a business blog? Before you even start writing, you need to know and share the purpose of your blog.

First of all, it is necessary to define the topics in which the company can be considered prepared and authoritative and from there define the target audience. Once the buyer personas and the blog topics are clear, it is time to decide the frequency of publication.

2) Keyword research

In the context of B2B business blogging , you need to create content based on targeted keywords.

Before you start writing, it’s essential to determine the key words and phrases that your audience might use on search engines: positioning yourself for these keywords will allow you to gain the first results , with a greater chance of being clicked by the user to learn more about the topic.


3) Create an editorial plan

Once you know the topics and identify the keywords for which you have the best chance of positioning and capturing the interest of the target audience, it is time SNBD Host to create the editorial plan. In this case, you can use Microsoft Office tools, such as a simple Excel document, or rely on more structured tools: the important thing is to find the right tool suited to your needs.

A tip to make the editorial plan as complete as possible is to include this information:

Article Title
keywords you want to target
the author
the expected or known date of publication
company blog

4) Company Blog: It’s Time to Write

Once you have set up all the elements and chosen the CRM that best suits your b2b needs , it’s time to write.

The advice, in this case, is to rely on a prepared agency specialized in content marketing. Which can also support the company in drafting the editorial plan. The risk of DIY for non-experts is to produce content that is valid from a technical point of view. But not very suitable for reading by a user.

In this article you will discover all the opportunities and benefits of relying on an expert inbound marketing agency!

5) Publish and optimize content

Content writing is followed by its publication, but be careful not to make a common mistake: not optimizing past articles. In this case, it is of fundamental importance to integrate effective performance analysis tools. If, in fact, it were to emerge that a rather old article was optimized for strategic keywords , then it is necessary to optimize it with updated content or a new service proposal – such as downloading free content or inserting a call to action to request consultancy.

By rfgzsdf

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