How to find out the date of creation of the site and its importance in SEO

In this article, we will look at how to find out the date of creation of a website and why it is so important for SEO. Nowadays, the Internet is full of various tools that help in determining such valuable details. But in addition to the tools themselves, you need to understand the meaning of…

In-House vs. Outsourced SEO Specialist: Pros and Cons for Business

Choosing between a full-time SEO specialist and outsourced services is a dilemma familiar to many businessmen. Each option has its pros and cons, and there is no clear answer. Let’s figure out which option might be preferable for your company. 1. Advantages and disadvantages of a full-time SEO specialist The Pros of Working with a…

rder reviews on a freelance exchange or at an agency: which is more profitable?

Custom reviews are an effective marketing tool that allows you to increase your brand reputation and the trust of potential customers. Where is it better to order the writing of reviews – on a freelance exchange or in a specialized agency? Let’s look at the advantages and disadvantages of each option. 1. Freelance exchanges: accessibility…

How to Launch Advertising on VKontakte to Increase Subscribers and Sales

In the modern world of social networks, competent advertising on VKontakte can become a powerful tool for attracting subscribers and increasing sales. But how to set up an advertising campaign correctly so that it brings maximum results? In this article, we will share our experience and tell you how to launch effective advertising on VKontakte….

How to Plan a Budget for Targeted Advertising on Social Media

Planning a budget for targeted advertising  How to Plan a Budget  on social networks is an important step in promoting a business. In order not to waste money, you need to clearly understand how much to spend on advertising and how to distribute the budget. Let’s figure out how to properly plan the cost of…

what is better – to hire a specialist on staff or to contact a company?

Social networks today are not just platforms for communication, but also a powerful tool for business promotion. And sooner or later, every entrepreneur faces the question: who to entrust this important task to – hire a specialist on staff or contact a company for promotion in social networks? Let’s figure out which option is more…


what needs to be done to promote a website to the TOP of Yandex search results?

How to get to the first page of Yandex? This  promote a website  question worries many website owners. Promotion to the top of Yandex is a clear action plan that will help your website become more visible to the search engine. Of course, you can’t just get to the top – you need to carefully…

Ready for the Surge of Psychedelics? Prepare Now with Psilocybin Digital Marketing

Every business—from your favorite local ice cream parlor to Apple to your own behavioral healthcare center—needs! to stay a step ahead of its competitors. By! anticipating the next big thing, you can get in front of marketing trends, relay new information to your patients, and position your business as an innovator! in your field. And…

Zer da adimen emozionala salmentetan? [Salmenta EQ gida bat]

Salmenten dantza konplexuan, zenbakiek adimen eragiteko ahalmena izan dute, baina aitortu eta elikatzen direnean, bihotzak hartzen dute.Maya Angelou, poeta eta eskubide zibilen aldeko aktibista estatubatuarrak, dio: “Jendeak ahaztuko du zuk esan duzun, jendeak ahaztuko du egindako zuka, baina ez du inoiz ahaztuko nola sentiarazi zizun”.Hor sartzen da adimen emozionalaren papera salmentetan edo salmenta EQ ….

Nola sortu eskaintzak ixten dituen salmenta aurrekontua: azken gida

Baina ondo egitea ezinbestekoa da alferrikako negoziazioak saihestu eta akordioa ixteko aukerak areagotu nahi badituzu.Gida honek salmenta-aurrekontu onena lantzen lagunduko dizu akordio bat irabazteko eta eraginkortasuna eta zehaztasuna lortzeko prozesua arintzeko aholkuak eskaintzak ixten emango ditu.Has gaitezen oinarriekin ” salmenta aurrekontua ” terminoarekin berria bazara. Zer da salmenta aurrekontua? Salmenta aurrekontua bezero potentzialei bidaltzen zaien…

Nola sortu marketin plan irabazle bat (doako txantiloiekin)?

Marketin-planik gabeko marketina despistatua, nahasia eta norabiderik gabekoa da, goizeko kaferik gabeko profesional bat bezala. Marketing plan on batek zure eguneroko, asteko eta urteko marketing helburuak antolatzen ditu. Estrategia onenak aztertzeko esparru argia eskaintzen du, eta zure ahaleginak inpaktu handiena lortzeko biratzeko eta optimizatzeko aukera ematen du. Plan integral batek zure marketin plan taldean erantzukizuna…