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Applying categorizations here too

Your listings may already have categories, and even category pages are part of your SEO strategy. But looking at them, we can see ranking opportunities that you are not covering. Here are several classifications that could help you:

Review the names and content of current categories:

making a conscious commitment to position specific keywords in each category.
Create new category values ​​that do not exist today:
Broaden your bet and review your database to ristribute which category each classifi item falls into.

Extending categorization to other types of items:

We usually find projects that have made very clear classifications on the most common pages of the site but have not done so on the secondary ones.  can moj database open up a new range of keywords for you .
Expand the depth of categorization you have:
Creating a new level of categorization that focuses on long-tail keywords and details.

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Expand the categorization types (taxonomies) of your categories:

That is, create new criteria by which to classify the content. For example, you could be dividing your products by topics, but the SEO proposal would permissible marketing go on to create taxonomies for geographic location (provinces), types of shipping (pickup in store, free shipping), formats (sizes, colors, fabrics), brands, suppliers, etc. Each categorization system will open up new keywords for which to position yourself.

Moving from categories to multiple taxonomies:

This means that a single item should not be classifi in just one category at a time, but in several. This does not have a direct advantage, but if well done, it allows us to multiply the number of existing categories by always having content for all of them. However, it carries many dangers, such as thin content (empty or irrelevant content) or the difficulty in determining which page each category belongs to. There are classifications with which you can do usa data this and others where you cannot.

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