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An anecdote about working in an agency with small clients

I think it was last Friday. It had been a while since I had met with a potential client in Spain. I signed up because I thought it was interesting. To relive the experience and because of the potential the client’s product has on Amazon.

Well, the time came. As a German-minded company that we are, we arrived 5 minutes early. We entered the warehouse. There was a small office where someone had sat down as soon as we entered. We quickly found out that it was the owner.

“Is Maria here? We have an appointment with her at 12 o’clock.” “Physio,” the owner answers. Apparently he had forgotten about our meeting. “Sit down, I’ll take care of you.”

1 hour later we get up from there

We have almost left when Maria arrives. She apologizes and our meeting is extended by 20 more minutes because she has to give him a phone number library summary of what was discussed. The owner tries to make room for us earlier but Maria doesn’t let us leave so easily.

They ask about budgets and such things. We dodge the bullets because we like to do something personalized.

Monday comes and no one remembers the potential client. On Tuesday we decided to meet with him via Teams to discuss our proposal. In the end I couldn’t, but it seems that the interested client couldn’t either. He contacts us by phone and gives us the runaround. “We have to let him know…” Well, in our opinion we had explained everything but it seems that the potential client is not used to having video calls.


phone number library

The moment comes when we feel annoyed

Let’s see. We make the effort to go see him. It’s clear that there are no guarantees but before Maria arrived there was something (María gave the loan refinancing impression of wanting to see very fast results when the owner was more clear that things take time).

Before leaving the office

The discussion was whether to make the proposal or not. In recent years, these types of small events already give you an idea of ​​the relationship ws data you will have with the client later on. We could do a market study and a business plan. Yes, and we might make money from it, but it’s true that we don’t really fancy it. In the end I left the final decision to the team. “It doesn’t affect my wallet…” and I left the subject closed for myself.

Are we a bit arrogant, picky and overly sensitive? Maybe… Let’s see if we’re lucky and the year ends well and we can also afford it…

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