Without its customers, a business cannot exist. But how do you know if your customers are satisfied or not? If the products and services meet their expectations? And why not just ask them? This is where using the satisfaction questionnaire makes sense. This marketing method allows you to collect customer opinions and know their level of satisfaction. We present 18 examples of satisfaction questions below.
satisfaction questionnaires templates
>> Customer Satisfaction Questionnaire Templates

Why do a satisfaction questionnaire?
Customer reviews are a key factor essential to the success and growth of companies, but also a competitive advantage. This is why creating a satisfaction survey is an excellent way to evaluate the products and services offered on the market. Carrying out a satisfaction survey has many advantages, regardless of the sector of activity of the issuing company.

The satisfaction questionnaire allows you to collect information

Conquer, satisfy, retain customers: it is important for a company to understand what its audience wants and what their expectations are. that a company can use at the different life cycles of its customers. All this data can thus prove to be very useful in the context of marketing campaigns.

To generate customer satisfaction, it is first necessary to ensure that the products and services offered meet customer needs. The satisfaction questionnaire allows you to measure the quality of the offer proposed, to detect the elements that bring satisfaction, but also those that generate dissatisfaction or frustration. After analyzing the results of the questionnaires, the company will therefore be able to identify areas for improvement and find solutions to remedy them. The satisfaction questionnaire thus participates in the company’s continuous improvement process. By carrying out the appropriate actions, it will be able to increase its chances of winning new customers and retaining them.

Satisfaction questionnaires not only allow an assessment of customer satisfaction at a specific moment. They also allow the monitoring of the evolution of satisfaction indicators over the long term. The analysis is then based on two main indicators: the CSAT (customer satisfaction score) and the NPS (Net Promoter Score).


The satisfaction questionnaire also unconsciously has a positive impact on the company’s brand image. This type of marketing tool helps to create a bond, to establish a relationship with customers. They appreciate the attention that the company pays to their opinions and expectations. This ability to listen then makes customers want to engage with the brand more.

Integrated into a communication plan, satisfaction questionnaires represent excellent decision-making tools. Indeed, companies sometimes face strategic choices that are not always easy to decide between. Conducting a survey helps teams and managers make the right decisions at the right time and prioritize their actions.

The company can also develop its usa people whatsapp number web referencing and visibility thanks to customer reviews. Using satisfaction questionnaires to obtain feedback on its products and services is very useful for improving its natural referencing. Not to mention that online reviews reassure prospects and encourage the act of purchasing on the web. The satisfaction questionnaire can thus influence the conversion rate and the turnover.

By asking targeted questions, the satisfaction questionnaire brings out tomorrow’s expectations. Companies then learn about the changing needs, behaviors and habits of each consumer. To stand out from the competition, they will draw on this data to offer innovative products. Satisfaction questionnaires then make it possible to anticipate market developments in the short and medium term.

satisfaction questionnaire

18 examples of questions to ask in the satisfaction questionnaire


Here are some examples of questions to ask in a satisfaction questionnaire:

Socio-demographic issues
The question of overall satisfaction
Questions about a company’s products and services
Questions of dissatisfaction
Open questions

Socio-demographic issues
These questions aim to get an overview SNBD Host of the social context and demographic situation of the respondents. Socio-demographic data is very useful data for knowing the clientele and segmenting the target audience. Indeed, the answers may vary depending on the different groups of people interviewed. Here are some examples of socio-demographic questions to ask during a satisfaction survey:

Indicate your age (numeric field or checkbox with age ranges).

Enter your title (drop-down list or Mr./Ms. checkboxes).

Where do you live? (drop-down list with departments or regions depending on the desired level of precision)

What is your professional status? (check boxes: worker / employee / manager / craftsman, trader / business manager / farmer)

What is your household income? (numeric field or checkbox with salary ranges)

The question of overall satisfaction
This question is often asked at the beginning of the survey. It consists of asking each customer if they are satisfied with their experience and evaluating this satisfaction on a scale, such as a Likert scale:

How would you rate the overall experience: very satisfactory / satisfactory / no opinion / not very satisfactory / not at all satisfactory (or numerical scale from 0 to 5 for example).

The average of all the responses given on this scale provides an overall satisfaction rate. This satisfaction rate is one of the indicators needed to monitor changes in customer satisfaction over time.

Questions about a company’s products and services
This type of question allows you to obtain results on the experience of customers who have purchased and used a product or service. The objective is to evaluate the aspects of the offer that give satisfaction or not. It also allows a company to have a precise idea on how the target audience uses its products and services. These can be different types of requests:

Questions of dissatisfaction
Measuring customer satisfaction also helps detect dissatisfied customers. This is a critical step that helps a business determine what is problematic and what can be improved. Here are some examples of questions to ask when investigating dissatisfaction:

Open questions
Open-ended questions allow respondents to freely express their thoughts by providing additional information. The answers to these optional questions will be entered in a free text field and are therefore more complex to analyze.

What is your general opinion about our brand?

How could we improve your experience?

In your opinion, how does our offer meet consumer expectations?

What criteria could be improved so that our product fully meets your expectations?

Do you have any other comments or suggestions for us?


To go further, optimize your customer experience and analyze opportunities to improve your customer journey by downloading the customer satisfaction survey template , or discover HubSpot’s customer service software.


By rfgzsdf

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