MAAC multiple functions With the message cost less than a quarter of a text message, you can start personaliz communication and create remarketing opportunities on LINE. We also use Crescendo Lab’s automate LINE marketing and significantly ruse the friend blocking rate. Chen Ruixing, senior vice president of Yinjiao Zero Card, believes: “Digitalization is an irreversible wave, but there is a long distance from “thinking about digitalization” to digitalization and then to successful profit. Through cooperation with Crescendo Labs , let us bring a lot of practical help to the LINE official account experience: increasing the number of members, improving member stickiness, and then increasing the members’ “re-consumption rate” is our ultimate goal.

See the complete case of

Yinjiao Zero Card 84. LINE OFFICIAL ACCOUNT FMCG Case: R Bull #Online and offline data integration The FMCG fast-moving consumer goods industry often relies on sales through major channels. In the absence of its own channels, it is difficult qatar mobile number list to directly obtain offline consumption data, let alone compare offline consumption data with online member data to understand the same consumption. their online and offline footprints. However, R Bull energy drink successfully broke through by using its official LINE account combin with marketing technology.

R Bull uses the “invoice

Login module” with the “prize distribution” function to hold 3 to 4 marketing activities a year, using coupons and other incentives to attract consumers SNBD Host to upload invoices on LINE. In conjunction with the offline event “Summer Back Party” music party. R Bull held the “R Bull Summer Memories” interactive mini-game on the official LINE account, inviting consumers to purchase R Bull energy drinks through designat channels and then upload invoices. The more invoices you upload, the more lottery opportunities you get. In a single event, more than 25,000 invoices were upload! See the complete case of R Bull Energy Drink 85. LINE OFFICIAL ACCOUNT Automotive Industry Case: NISSAN #高Kaifeng# Member Management.

By rfgzsdf

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