What is a CDN You have probably heard the names of cloadflare and Abar Arwan sites, which are usually recommended to use to increase the security and speed of the site, but what is this cdn and why do these sites provide us with content distribution network services.

What is a CDN In this article, we are talking about the Content Delivery Network, which is also used to increase the gtmetrix score, but the ultimate goal of using the content delivery network is to increase the satisfaction of site users.

Different servers in the world are connected to the main network of sites providing cdn service, and by activating the content distribution network with the site, a copy of the site is placed on these servers in different parts of the world.

What is the ultimate goal of CDN?

The ultimate goal is to reduce the loading time of the site, i.e. the amount of time users have to wait for the pages of the site to open, by reducing this time, the user experience (UX) is improved, such as the Bazar Kashi site .

Stay with us in the rest of this article to learn more about the content distribution network, of course, keep in mind that using CDN is not suitable for every site and it is better to get a normal server for the site.

What is CDN?

Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) are database shop the transparent backbone of the Internet responsible for delivering content. Whether we know it or not, each of us interacts with CDNs on a daily basis. When reading articles on news sites, shopping online, watching YouTube videos, or searching for information on social networks.

No matter what you do or what kind of content you consume, chances are you’ll find a CDN behind every character of text, every pixel of image, and every frame of video delivered to your PC and mobile browser. You must know what cdn is.

To understand why CDNs are so widely used, you must first recognize the problem they are designed to solve. The annoying delay known as “latency” occurs from the moment a web page is requested to be loaded to the moment its content is actually displayed on the screen.

This latency interval is influence by various factors, many of which are specific to a particular web page. In all case, latency is affect by the physical distance between you and the server hosting that website, what is cdn.

The mission of CDN is to practically shorten that physical distance, the goal is to improve the speed and performance of the site, so it is better to know what CDN is.

How to use Cdn

To minimize the distance between visitors and your website’s server, a CDN stores a cached version of its content in multiple geographic locations (eg, points of presence or PoPs). Each PoP contains a number of cache servers responsible for delivering content to nearby visitors. Good content creation software will be useful for you to write strong content .

In fact, a CDN puts your content in multiple locations at the same time and provides superior coverage to its users. For example, when someone in London accesses your website hosted in the US, it’s through a local UK PoP. It’s much faster than having a visitor request and your responses are a full ocean ride. This is how CDN works in a nutshell. In order to know well what CDN is, you should also read about the network and the Internet.

Who uses a CDN?

database shop

Almost everyone. These numbers are increasing rapidly every year. The reality is that if any part of your business is online, there are few reasons not to use a CDN, especially when so many people are offering their services for free.

Even as a free service, CDNs aren’t for everyone. In particular, if you have a completely local website and the vast majority of your users are located in the same region as your host, having a CDN is of little benefit.

In this scenario, using a CDN can degrade your website’s performance by introducing another unnecessary connection point between the visitor and a nearby server.

What are the building blocks of a CDN?

PoPs (Points of Presence)

It means points of presence. CDN how to improve your cross- and upselling PoPs (Points of Presence) are strategically located data centers that are responsible for communicating with users in their geographic vicinity. Their main function is to reduce round-trip time by bringing content closer to the website visitor. Each PoP CDN typically includes multiple cache servers.

Caching servers

Storage servers are responsible for storing and delivering stored files. Their main function is to speed up website loading time and reduce bandwidth consumption. Each CDN cache server typically houses multiple storage drives and large amounts of RAM resources.

SSD/HDD + RAMRAM is the fastest of the three, usually used to store the most frequently accessed items.

Start using a CDN

For a CDN to work, it must be the th phone numbers default gateway for all incoming traffic. To make this happen, you need to change the configurations of your DNS root domain (eg domain.com) and your subdomains (eg www.domain.com, img.domain.com).

For your root domain, you change its A record to point to one of the  IP ranges. For each subdomain, change its CNAME record to point to the subdomain address provided by the CDN (for example, ns1.cdn.com). In both cases, this will result in DNS routing of all visitors to your instead of to your main server.

If any of this sounds confusing, don’t worry. Today’s CDN vendors provide step-by-step instructions to get you through the activation phase. In addition, they provide assistance through their support team. The whole process boils down to a few copies and pastes and usually takes about five minutes.

The evolution of CDNs

Commercial CDNs have been around since the 90s; Like any other decades-old technology, they went through several evolutionary stages before becoming a robust software delivery platform.

The path of development has been shape by market force, including new trends in content consumption and vast improvements in connectivity. The latter is enable by fiber optics and other new communication. If you are interest in SEO, don’t miss the keyword research tool article.

In general,  evolution can be divide into three generations, each of which introduce new and concepts to its network architecture. In parallel, each generation has seen a downward trend in the pricing of  service, marking its transformation into a mass-market technology.

Advantages of using cdn

The Internet is an infinite virtual space, with more than 2.5 billion users worldwide. The question remains – how to deliver great web performance and user experience despite latency, poor connectivity and growing security threats.

By rfgzsdf

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