What does it take to earn above-the-fold placement for your content marketing assets? A lot more now that Google has eliminated ads on the right-hand side and increased the number of ads on the top from a maximum of three to a maximum of four. In addition to Find Out What’s Influencing the increased number of ads, the top of the search page may be filled with Google’s local 3-pack, shopping options, and knowledge panel content followed by organic results. While the new ad layout may improve PPC campaigns, marketers and SEOs are still watching to see the impact on their content. Campaigns and worry that even their best efforts won’t result in top of the fold placements or even first page results.

Universal Search Results Feature

Visit our store and find all kinds of items in our store. In our store, you can get good quality and good quality products from us. Our new customers call our customers, our quality is very good and our store is well received. provides you updated and valid list for your shop business promotion Shop Latest provides you all the clean and updated also targeted broadcast list for you You can buy your targeted person

The new Google SERP (Search Engine Results Page) layout has changed what it means to rank second or third in organic search and, in some cases, top organic search results may not be visible above the fold for desktop and tablet users.
In the past, content marketers could feel confident that content ranking third in organic search results would be visible on the first page above the fold. Now, ranking first or second may still mean that your content isn’t visible above the fold. Marketers need to know what else ranked ahead of their content in search results to understand the true rank of their content and to make decisions about where to spend time and resources.

Erin Robbins

President Ginza Metrics, explains it this way, “Picture this: Your rank tracking tool tells you you’re ranking number one for some high search volume keywords and you think you’re golden. But you realize you’re not actually getting the traffic you once did. While you may be ranking number one in terms of organic results, there may be lots of other things on the page that pull user attention, and ultimately traffic away from you.”
Universal Search is a new feature in the Ginza Metrics platform that shows users all the other things that are appearing on the page along with their organic content and keyword ranking results, allowing marketers and SEOs to make decisions based on their “true rank” in the SERPs.
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The Universal Search results are displayed as icons to show what combination of ads, local pack, knowledge panel, and other non-organic content is on the page in any position. Users can filter out the results to view only those results that are important to them. Marketers and SEOs can use this information to determine exactly what’s appearing in organic search results and decide where to optimize for organic content rankings and where to focus paid efforts.

Creating a balance between PPC and Organic Content

While it may seem like the changes in the SERPs layout have unfairly targeted organic content, paid advertising results and associated costs have been impacted by the reduction of the number of ads shown on a page. Removing the ads from the right-hand side of the page and placing four at top and three at bottom has reduced the total number of ads on a page from eleven to seven and increased the competition for real estate on pages shown for high volume keywords.
Moving forward, marketers are going to have to be wary not to cannibalize their own results, paying or working toward appearing at the top of the same page with both paid and organic efforts. Using a tool, like Universal Search, marketers will now have a clearer picture of what’s happening when someone searches for a particular keyword. Given this information, marketers and SEOs can decide where to apply their efforts. Depending on their goals and who is appearing in the local pack and Google ad selection, brands have a few choices to make. They can:

Optimize content to try for the number

one position where there aren’t a lot of non-organic results.
Optimize local SEO to rank in the local pack.
Place ads instead of content.
Place ads on high search volume keywords (more expensive)
Run ads on lower search volume long-tail keywords (less expensive)
Focus SEO efforts on high search volume keywords.
Focus search on long-tail keywords.
However choices are made, it’s clear that we will have to continue to make hard choices based on having the best data available and getting the whole picture in terms of search engine results for all efforts, both paid and owned.

Staying at the top of the SERPs


The slimmed down look of Google results pages is another indication of Google’s commitment to providing great experiences for mobile devices. Even if individual businesses haven’t embraced the popularity of mobile, Google has been continuing to focus on providing the best possible experience for users of mobile devices and is backing that commitment up with the new search engine results page designs and continuing updates to the mobile-friendly algorithm changes.
Staying relevant to target audiences is still the best way marketers can get their message out and maintain their findability. Marketers who want to continue to show up in search engine results

Have you ever had an older piece of content start performing well on the search engines and suddenly you felt like you just walked outside wearing flowery bell-bottoms and carrying a boom box? Although you’re glad to have the site visits, you realize that visitors to that content may leave your site with the wrong idea about your current solutions and product or service offerings.
You know you can’t just ignore the fact that outdated or incorrect information is being consumed and possibly shared with your audiences. So, now you’re faced with a decision; either create a new piece of content that addresses the same topic or go back and refurbish the existing content.
Instead of risking creating duplicate content, competing with yourself on the internet, and opening your site up to the wrath of Google and all its penalties; try renewing, repurposing, and re-promoting older content that still drives traffic to your site.

Don’t delete it, update and optimize it!

Chances are that if you have aging content, it was created back when search terms were different, your product and service offerings were different, and the supporting statistics you used to validate your conclusions were still accurate. Now, the content that used to be relevant has suffered the same fate as your acquaintances who haven’t changed their hair or clothes style for 10 years, it’s outdated.
Older content may have even been created before you built the well-developed audience personas that now guide your content creation. Updating aging content gives you the opportunity to focus on audience intent and re-message your content based on your current audience personas. Look to making improvements in readability by tightening up content and focusing your re-write on a single topic of interest to your target audiences.

Improve your audience

experiences and improve your SEO by satisfying current user intent and using long-tail keywords that match current search queries.
There are actually two main reasons to update older content. First, you may have noticed an uptick in the use of a search. Term or query or increased the most important trends for russian business popularity for a topic that you already have. Already addressed in content that isn’t performing as well as you’d like. Second, you may have older content that is being found, but is no longer accurate or relevant.

If you discover that you have older. Updates benefit from the SEO value the. Content has already earned. Even if you decide to perform a complete rewrite of the content, keep the original URL and title. Depending on the piece of content, you’ll either. Want to go in a make a few tweaks, or you’ll need to give the. Piece a complete overhaul. Keep in mind that audiences are finding your content for a reason and don’t change the. Content so much that you lose the good SEO value it has earned over time.
If you’re performing a complete re-write, you’ll. Want to make sure that the keywords. Reflected in the title are also. Reflected in the body of the content. While the old piece was performing well on search, if you change the body copy so much that. With the URL and the title, you’ve not only destroyed the good SEO you’ve. Already earned, you’ve also opened yourself up to Google penalties.
Keep the intent of the content and the general message the same while updating things like:


Inbound links
Product information
Outdated statistics
Meta descriptions
Calls to action
Images and screen shots
Use keyword research to update content
If you have website content or blog posts your. Audiences are still finding through organic search that ends in high bounce rates and low. Conversion metrics, you usa b2b list may have content that needs a refresh. Discover the most. Popular keyword or keyword strings people are using to find the content to determine their intent for. Clicking on that particular blog or landing page.
Once, you’ve identified your audience’s intent, re-read the content to see if it actually fulfills the

needs expressed in the queries

Chances are that if the bounce rates are high, it’s not. With user intent in mind, and your audience personas clearly in focus, rewrite the. Content to give the people what they want. Be sure to incorporate the exact keywords and keyword strings into H2-H6 headers and into the language of the paragraphs.
Changing the title of your content is risky, unless you’re doing it to. Correct the use of the same title in other content and avoiding the use of duplicate content. If you must change the title, keep the keywords that have. Attracted your audiences to the content in the first place.
As with all “new” content, you’ll want to consider how this asset contributes to the overall flow of your website. Improve the user experience and assist with the c

By rfgzsdf

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