If you’re tracking each piece of content separately, you’re not getting the answers to these questions.
Measuring the success of content marketing efforts is too difficult, time consuming, and ineffective at the individual content level. Instead, track content performance and Use Content Grouping to understand the efficacy of your marketing efforts by creating content groups. Content groups can be created to reflect how you need to understand your audiences, messages, content types, marketing channels, and how your content is actually performing and contributing to your goals.
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Why Content Groups

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How do you know how well different content for different audiences, in different channels, in different geographies, and on different devices is performing? Content groups allow you to slice and dice your data to understand what’s working, what’s not working, and what needs to change.
David Kutcher, Co-Founder of Confluent Forms, first used content groups to understand audience behavior, “In the process of creating personas for a client of mine, we wanted to know how well different content for different targets was performing. By putting all the content created for each persona in groups and cross-comparing them, we were able to decide where to create more content and how all their resources were performing across the board.”
Creating content groups by audience persona is just one way to look at content performance. The advantage of content groups is in their inherent flexibility. One piece of content can belong to multiple content groups and content groups can be created, modified, or deleted depending on whether or not they’re providing the insights you need.
Create content groups to reflect


Audience types
Messaging styles
Customer journey stages
Once you’ve created content groups, use those groups to compare and contrast content performance easily. Looking at groups of content will help you to quickly highlight performance differences and similarities between groups and simplifies getting insights from the data you’ve gathered.
According to Content Marketing Institute, the majority of marketers don’t know if their content marketing efforts are effective or not. Prove content marketing effectiveness by tying content performance to bottom line goals. Creating content groups can help you to track conversions and understand how individual pieces of content contribute to conversions as well as to overall traffic. Depending on your marketing goals, conversions can include:

Direct sale

Sign up for a demo
Form fill for other content assets
Subscription to email or blog
Donations for non-profit
According to Erin Robbins, President of GinzaMetrics, “You need to know how your content is contributing to conversions. If you’re creating content and you don’t know how it helps to generate conversions, one of the quickest ways to get a handle on the situation is to start grouping content so that you can actually begin the measurement process somewhere. You can always adjust your groups to get the insights you need.”

Content groups and the purchasing intent

specific database by industry

How can tracking content by content groups help marketers to understand where audiences are in terms of their purchasing intent? Depending on how you set up your groups, there are a couple of ways that content groups can help you to understand where your audience is in the purchasing process.
According to David, “It requires you to actually think about your content as a funnel which most people don’t do. Most businesses think of their content and their site as a flat thing with the disjointed belief that their homepage is their primary landing page and that traffic is coming through the homepage and going elsewhere from there. Content groups can help you re-think the content funnel and sales funnel and understand where visitors are coming in and how they’re transitioning into other content.”
Content groups allow you to get an accurate picture of your audience journey by tracking:

Where audiences are entering the website.

Who is engaging with content.
How content performs for specific personas.
How products perform comparatively.
“When we’re talking about how to understand where someone is in the buyer intent journey, we acknowledge that the funnel online is hard and it’s complicated. One of the ways to un-complicate the buyer journey is to understand that the funnel is not pre-determined. A visitor may come into your website and look at a white paper or a case study early on and that may make it look like they’re further down in the funnel. When you look at the rest of the content they consume, you can quickly see where they are in the consideration process,” advises Erin.
Although the traditional sales funnel isn’t really relevant n

Are you spending most of your time and resources creating new content to fill your website with blog posts, landing pages, Ebooks, and videos? If you’re only focused on filling a content quota, you may be missing out on opportunities to optimize the content you already have and improve your overall findability. Take a little time out from creating new content to look back and see what content received a lot of attention initially but has fallen in the rankings. Spend some content creation time refreshing older content to keep it current and working for you.
While you’re evaluating content performance, take a look at how well you’ve been able to meet your strategic content marketing goals, evaluate your how to gain subscribers on you tube progress toward end of year goals, and perhaps revise some tactical elements based on performance so far. Use search data to review your editorial calendar, refresh your audience persona profiles, improve content performance, and evaluate landing page stickiness.

Review the editorial calendar

With 76% of B2B organizations planning to create more content moving forward, according to CMI’s Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends for North America, the editorial calendar is becoming a necessity in most organizations. But, for many, the tool is underused. Now is a good time to step back and look over your editorial calendar and evaluate its effectiveness for planning and executing content assets.
First, let’s look at what’s included in your editorial calendar. At the very least you should have a plan for frequency of your blog and other types of content. Beyond that, the editorial calendar can help you to decide who is responsible for the tactical elements of content creation and to set deadlines and workflow for content review, publishing, and promotion.
If you aren’t already using the editorial calendar as a way to track content performance by medium, method, and message; consider including engagement and success metrics as part of the calendar as an easy way to review content effectiveness and future content creation and content lifecycle decisions.


The medium you choose for your content is the type of content you’re creating. Are you using video, podcast, blog, landing pages, eBooks, slide deck presentations, printed materials, or other types of mediums to carry your message?
Create a place on the editorial calendar to notate the type of content asset associated with each message. Track engagement with content mediums to determine how your audience likes its content served up. It’s too difficult to track engagement if every type of content, every campaign, or every message has its own calendar. Merge all your calendars into one and include your measurement metrics to get a quick review of what’s working and what’s not.
Before you decide to stop creating a specific type of content, consider how video, podcast, or eBooks fit into your overall content ecosystem. Try making some changes to the way you deliver or promote various mediums before completely abandoning them.


The method is the channel where you distribute your content. Track what topics and what mediums are getting the most social shares, retweets, and likes on specific social channels. Include email metrics and referral data to determine where your audiences are engaging with your brand.
Match the medium with the method to see what kind of content performs better on your various channels. Maybe your email subscribers prefer blogs and your Twitter audiences like video. Knowing what your audiences are responding to will help you to revise your editorial calendar moving forward.

What messages are resonating with your audiences? Do they like listicles and how to instructions, or do they prefer to be entertained? Look over your editorial calendar results to see what the most popular topics were. If you find a particular topic that’s been underserved by your current content offering, you may want to add some content creation around that usa b2b list topic for the second half of the year.
Match your top performing messages to the keywords associated with them. Dive a little deeper to discover the long-tail keywords and associated topics. Once you know what topics your audiences are really responding to, create content on different mediums, or distribute on. Some different channels to see if you can increase engagement for those subjects.

Get more out of your editorial calendar

Reviewing your planned editorial calendar against your content metrics will help you to make adjustments along the way. The editorial calendar should be a living. Document to help your team visualize and deliver the content strategy to meet marketing goals. If you started the year. Using an editorial calendar to. Schedule your blog, expand it to include:


Review process
Publish date
Writing and editorial task assignments
Subject lines
Content to include
Target mailing lists
Review process
Writing and distribution task assignments

By rfgzsdf

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