As you have already understood, it is not about the product, but about the target audience, which is not always obvious. It is at this stage that entrepreneurs and specialists often make mistakes. However, before you try the granite of science, pay attention: Without knowing the target audience, you will NOT set up advertising, you will NOT create a content strategy, you will NOT sell the product. Perhaps you will succeed, but within the framework of exceptions and hardly effectively. That is why it is so important. Now let’s find out what questions are needed to identify the target audience in social networks. let’s do it.

Gender, age, geo of your future clients

 This question needs to be answered, as there are niches where the target is not at all obvious. How can we find out gender, age and geo. Ask the client if you are an expert. Take a pen, a notepad and think if you are a business owner. If you don’t have a community yet or it has few members, you can analyze the closest direct competitor with a similar product.

A phone number library is usually a collection phone number library or database that holds a group of phone numbers, organized for different uses like customer service, marketing, outreach, or business tasks. Companies can use these libraries to handle contacts, automate messages, or do market research.

What types of services do your clients need

phone number list

This question defines competitors. If you deliver pizza, your closest competitors are those who provide the same service, i.e. deliver pizza. For example, donut delivery is an indirect competitor for pizza delivery, since they compete only for an audience that has not yet decided on a dish. If a person already knows that he needs pizza, this is your direct client. For this client, you compete only with direct competitors. There are niches with a small number of goods and services. In this case, the question on services reveals only direct competitors. In niches with many services, the question reveals all competitors, including indirect ones.

What other products or services is the customer interested in?

This question identifies only indirect competitors, if the previous one didn’t help. By the way, you can ask it to representatives of the target audience. For example, create a survey in a pizza delivery group: “What other dishes do you order?” Examples marketing for fintech: what you need to know in 2024 of answers: sushi, burgers, noodles, restaurant food, sweets, pies. Another example is finding indirect competitors for a recording studio. We ask a question and get answers. Mixing vocals. Mastering tracks. Vocal courses. Music production. Musical instruments. Voice acting for videos, games, films. Recording an advertisement. Recording podcasts. Organization of concerts. Promotion of artists. … I won’t go on, I think the main point is clear – we just got a list of audiences that we can target during the test. Note that we only answered three questions, but we already have a good base to work on.

Who definitely won’t buy your service?

This question excludes the non-target audience. It is indispensable in cases when you sell a mass-market product that is needed by everyone and no one. Potential negatives. For example, vegans are unlikely to be happy with burgers, and feminists kcrj will definitely not be thrilled with the training “How to please a man if he is the King.” Bots, prize catchers and freeloaders. Competitors, their friends, relatives, close employees. Those who are not the target audience for objective reasons.

How is the client’s profile filled out? In which sections does he/she demonstrate interest in your activities?

This question gives an understanding of how to set up advertising, since the customization options are quite wide. For example, you can be shown to those who have indicated something in their status. Or added thematic videos, or writes posts on a certain topic, or stores audiobooks in recordings.

There are many targeting options, so it is also important to know the client profile. However, not every niche has an audience that openly demonstrates interest in the product and indicates this in the profile.

What (who) might your future client be crazy about?

This question identifies opinion leaders in your niche or a direction that you can work with. It is not relevant everywhere. However, in some cases it helps to build a strategy for promotion in social networks. If there are opinion leaders in your niche, you can establish cooperation with them.

“Who could the pizza delivery audience be crazy about?” you ask. Well, as an option: TV series “Game of Thrones”. Marvel Movies. Cartoon about teenage mutant ninja turtles. Next, you run a test on these audiences and look at the results. Unfortunately, ads with movie characters are not always allowed, but you can show them in community content.

What hobbies will make the client use the services?

 This question segments the audience into niches where the audience has different interests. For example, if you sell sportswear, what interests do your customers have that drive them to buy clothes? Running, football, fitness, martial arts, swimming, cycling, triathlon. From here you get advertising messages like “Do you play football? Choose your uniform from us!” and so on. With these questions, you can identify the audience for your project on social networks in 30 minutes. But I recommend that you take the trouble and sit over the brief longer, at least a couple of hours. Good sales to you!

By rfgzsdf

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