We are starting to publish answers to frequently asked questions from our clients and readers who have sent their questions to the “Questions and Answers” ​​section. If you have a question regarding any aspects of Internet marketing for eCommerce, technology or development, write to us, our specialists will try to help you understand the issue and prepare interesting material.

And today we will answer the question that almost all online retailers who contact us ask our specialistsIndeed, when drawing up a plan for working with a project, we record control points for each month: what conversion and cost of attracting a buyer we will strive for. For example, for a young online store they may look like this:

Let’s figure out what makes online store conversion grow and customer acquisition costs fall. To do this, let’s go through the main stages of working with advertising and a website.

Launch of a pilot advertising campaign

For a new business, most often, everything starts with contextual advertising and Yandex.Market. In the first month, the first advertising campaign is launched, during the month it is constantly expanding, gradually covering all the main sections of the catalog and products of the online store. The first advertising campaign is always a pilot. It will bring buyers, but it is impossible to predict how japan whatsapp many buyers there will be in the first month. Only if you turn to the “battle of psychics”.

So, during the first month, the first sales appear, minus words are constantly added to filter out junk traffic. The advertising campaign grows from several hundred to several thousand ads and keywords. As a result, we have active advertising that brings us income.

It is also worth eliminating typical errors in the online store right away. Put a phone on your workstation, check that the basket is accessible from all pages, that it has noticeable buttons for making a purchase, etc. There are about 100 factors in the checklist. Eliminate typical problems – the conversion will inevitably increase.
At this stage, the site is marked up to track the actions of visitors and collect statistics in Google Analytics at each step. This will be useful to us in the future.

We are putting the site in order

The first advertising campaign has been launched and is quite healthy in all key. Indicators (CTR, which everyone loves to ask about cost per click and other nonsense). It generated the first orders, but we won’t look at those who bought yet. The trick is that your site has attracted many SNBD Host more. Visitors who wanted to make a purchase from you, but didn’t. This is probably more interesting! Let’s figure it out: why do visitors come to your online store to make a purchase, but instead of leaving money with you, they go to competitors?

By rfgzsdf

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