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5 keys that will improve your presence on LinkedIn

Nowadays, having a professional profile on LinkIn is almost a must. With 225 million users and 35% of them using it daily, a good profile can bring us a multitude of professional opportunities ranging from expanding our network of contacts to finding a new job.

But a good presence on this social network will not only benefit us individually. Corporate pages are also a basic tool for B2B ( business-to-business ) communication and it is not enough to have just any page. With more than 3 million corporate profiles, there are many strategies to stand out among such a crowd. Here we propose 5 points that can place your business among the best on LinkIn if we pay a little attention to them.

Create product pages : Promoting your products individually is very important

when it comes to getting specializ followers and segmenting the audience. A sample of the different brands that make up the company or a product catalog with individual pages would be the two main uses of this type of page that LinkIn offers.
Optimize the use of images : The images you upload to your company page must be exclusive to LinkIn and it is recommend that they have a specific message. In a more professional setting, the same images that are us on Facebook or basic image iting services Twitter are not valid. Advertising a certain product or promoting a business event by linking to an external page will be optimal strategies in this area. LinkIn allows you to publish up to three images on a company’s main page as a presentation ( Showcase ).

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Use keywords in your profile : Don’t just create a profile with your


experience and assign keywords to it . This will make it easier for people interest in a particular professional profile to reach you. A person can’t just be found by searching. By name and surname. If that user makes good use of keywords relat to. Their professional activity, it will also be easier to find them.
Share quality and originality : Your followers will appreciate if what you share on your profile is relevant to them. Publish studies, analyses or the latest news in the business sector give you visibility as a good information filter. Escaping from improving ad quality parameters everyday news will also help us.
Boost your profile with videos : A good strategy for the previous point would be to share videos that are a source of relevant information for your aleart news friends. It is also a more comfortable method of viewing information and very likely to lead to interaction. A good number of comments and recommendations will also increase the popularity of your social profile.
If you have complet several of the steps suggest above, you are on your way to having a great LinkIn profile. But, if you are one of those who still have doubts, don’t delay in giving that extra point to your professional career to achieve a better positioning on the Internet.

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