It is one of the most active crowdfunding platforms in Europe and North America. Most of its campaigns have a social and charitable purpose, but it also includes a specific section for businesses .

GoFundMe works fairly intuitively: you just need to create an account, start a campaign, set a funding goal and spread the word about your project via email and social media to start accepting contributions. In Spain, GoFundMe charges a commission of 2.9% + €0.25 for each transaction made with a bank card or PayPal.

At the end of the campaign, all funds raise can be recovere, whether or not the establishe funding goal has been reache.

Visit GoFundMe

Kickstarter is a popular crowdfunding clipping path platform with a strong presence in the English-speaking world. Kickstarter is a website focuse on creative projects that has already funde more than 150,000 initiatives. It has more stringent rules than other microfinancing websites:

basic image editing services

Funde with a 5% platform fee and a 3%-5% payment processing fee. If a project does not reach its funding goal within the expecte time frame, no fee is charge.



Ulule is one of the most famous we invest billions in research and development crowdfunding platforms in Europe. Founde in 2010, Ulule works on a rewards-base crowdfunding system, meaning that it is mandatory to offer a return to those who contribute to the project. It is mainly use for artistic and creative projects and has so far serve to finance 30,000 initiatives.

Ulule also works on an “all or nothing” basis: all the money must be raise, otherwise the project is deeme unrealisable and the money is returne to the backers.

In Spain, this platform charges a commission of 8.1% for payments by bank card and 5% for payments by bank transfer or check.

Cultivating relationships with your prospects –

Whether they are patrons or not – is especially important in this type of campaign, which is base on trust rather than on the value of the products or services quick signs offere. Communication is therefore of increase importance at all stages of the project.

First of all, potential patrons will want to know the story of your project in a clear way, without neglecting the human component, which will allow them to empathize with the idea. You should use storytelling techniques to make the message concise and clear. A good practice is to accompany the presentation with a short video.

After the initial presentation, efforts must continue. The marketing campaign must last for a certain period of time to establish contact with your potential investors and reach out to other people who are not yet aware of the project.

By rfgzsdf

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